You spent days and nights writing thousands of words, and now you’re done. Unfortunately, the work isn’t over. Only the fun part is. There are so many things you have to do after you’ve finished writing.

Let’s go down the list:


You need to read it, if possible, aloud and make all the necessary changes. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Make sure there aren’t any plot holes. If your hero is wounded, don’t have him fighting and running around like a Viking.

Find Beta Readers

They say you can’t edit your own work, and they’re right. There may be mistakes on the page, but because you wrote it, your brain will fill in the blanks. You know that it’s a mistake, but your brain still can’t see it. So, you need to find people to read it for you and help you see these mistakes.

Find an Editor for Proofread/Copy Edit and Line Edit

Again, don’t try to do it yourself. There are so many rules about writing that unless you’ve done serious research, you can’t know them all. The problem is that the readers will see the smallest of errors, and they’ll tell you all about it in the reviews on Amazon.

Blurb and Cover

The blurb should be under 180 words or less, and it needs to be captivating. This isn’t only about the story but about selling your story. The same for the book cover. It needs to resemble the novel’s mood and have sales colors—something to grab the reader’s attention.


Writer's block

When you do all these things, you’ll feel that the book is ready because you won’t be alone in this journey. You’ll have professionals guiding you along the way. After all, your job is to write the best story you can.

Now the Real Work Begins

  • If you’re self-publishing, set up a preorder for your book wherever you plan to sell your novel, and then begin to promote.
  • Research advertising avenues.
  • Spend a little money to get your book cover out there.
  • Get an author page on Amazon set up.
  • Prepare a profile on sites like Bookbub.
  • Network on social media and build your platform.
  • Get your name out there on Instagram by spending a few dollars for advertising there as well.
  • Find a few dozen early readers who’ll offer an honest review the day the book drops. That way, you start with ten or twenty—or even more—reviews right out of the gate. Then, get writing your next book!
  • The best way to promote yourself is to write another book.

So get to it. Keep writing. Keep promoting. Never tire of it, and you’ll find the success you’re looking for. It’s called perseverance. A successful author never quits. And an author who quits will never be successful.


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