Line Edit

Our editors will focus on awkward phrasing, word echoes—repetition and redundancies—passive voice, passive verb phrases, telling vs. showing, and dialogue. We will tighten prose, clean up any word clutter that we may find, and make sure the manuscript shines.
When you receive your edited manuscript back with all the issues our editors discovered done in track changes, along with suggestions on how to fix them, you will also get an editorial letter that explains the changes in detail.
Email us ten pages in a Word doc, double-spaced, for an obligation-free editorial interview. Our editors will revise those ten pages and send them back to you at no charge. If you like what you see and want to work with Imagine Press, we will assess a fair quote and go from there.
All manuscripts are edited to New York publishing standards as per the Chicago Manual of Style in American English. British English or Canadian English is available upon request.
Line Edit
A one-hour Zoom session is included in the rate.
per word in USD
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